The Blank Page and How to Face It!
Art challenge for this week: Book Paper, the prompt is: Be Your Own Goal Keeper
What I hope to learn this year?
"I will have to loosen up my style , grin..." is what I left as a comment on Roben-Marie's blog.
This is what she answered me: "I used to be very structured in
my approach and it is so nice to just be "free" and not worry about
I am going to enjoy this process, I knew I needed to do this, so DLP's timing is just right! HAPPY!
I decided to work in an empty photograph album, I dissembled all the pages, and will re-bind it once 2015's DLP has been done (yes, I am going for it!)
The size of the pages are real big, and I decided to journal on part of the page by masking the outsides of the page... This creates the edges, which I accentuated with shadowing techniques during the process. It gives the journal page a frame all by itself. LIKE it!
I think you can see that I got inspired by Roben-Marie's video most.
My creative goals (= DOELEN in dutch) for 2015 are written at the back of the tag.
Uitstellen helpt (niet) is a quote I found in a magazine, which I like for this page.
It means that postponing things(doesn't) help. Both ways are true in itself, sometimes it is good to postpone (I think that's called patience, LOL )
When you flip up the tag, you see the second part of whether postponing does (not) help!
If I would start this page again, I would change a few things, ( ....sigh.... SEE, told you, I am a control freak, hehe... )....
...but, hey, this is the process... 52 weeks long... and it's a process of learning by experimenting...
LOVE that anyway!
Hope you like it!
I am entering this in the challenge on
Craft stamper - take a stamp
flower - Stampinback
script in background - Magenta (own design)